Trevor's Mom came for a visit on Sunday night and we went to Home Depot late that night right before closing to get our first Weber Grill! She bought it for us as a housewarming gift which was so awesome and we are so excited about it. We were adventurous and crammed the grill (boxed up) in my Murano trunk with me driving, Trevor's mom in the front seat, and Trev crammed into the remaining crevices of the trunk to drive home with it that night. Today (Monday), both Moms came over to help on the house. Trevor worked on setting up the grill for an hour or so this morning but unfortunately we are missing some of the bolts needed to complete the set up, so we need to call Weber to get them this week.
My mom and I went to work on painting the ceilings and were able to do it in the dining room, the upstairs bathroom, the master bedroom, the office, and the two guestrooms. WOW I could not believe how tiring and hard paiting the ceiling was. It was definitely much harder than I expected. I had paint all over my hair, face, and clothes. I also fell off the ladder once and have some nasty bruises. It also is pretty straining on your neck, back, and legs to be looking up the whole time to paint but after a couple rooms, we got down a system and started moving along quickly. Trevor's mom helped get the kitchen ready by lining the shelves with a new liner and cleaning out drawers. We practiced testing some paint samples in various rooms and are starting to figure out the colors we want in various rooms, but before we get there, we still have more ceilings to paint, we need to touch up the ceilings that were done today and give them a second coat, and buy paint at the various stores.
We are so grateful that our moms were here this weekend to help us out! it definitely made the time go by faster and we got a lot accomplished.
My brother Michael comes home from Paris tomorrow and we will appreciate some extra hands in the free time he may have to come help us out too.
Below is a video of Trevor starting to remove carpet from the stairs: